Balance and charge don't show current up to date information. Not accurate and does stay up to date. Their web site show same information not up to date. Just received statement in the mail. So app and their web don't give u update account balances and charges. What worse u can't even get the previous month charges. This mak app and web site very inaccurate. This is not acceptable with all technology out. This be worse if this was my checking out. I close it in a hurray.
I never had this a setup like this!!! Love it 😀😍
Very professional
Saves me time
App used to be awesome. I upgraded to a Galaxy S10 and the app can't keep up. Now I can't scroll through my account history, which makes the app virtually useless. I can check my balance, but I already keep tabs on that other ways. Super disappointing
Annoying scrolling issue. I have a galaxy s10 so there shouldn't be any issues, but it's been happening for months.
App needs a scrolling fix. Very annoying. I'm on Pixel 2 XL. Still not fixed.
Recent scrolling issue. Otherwise, generally straight forward and easy to use.